Dear Alice. You have managed to put into words everything I am feeling. I hope that a year on your grief has softened and the hole in your heart is now filled with happy memories xxx

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Dear Fran, I know you are going through it right now and if my words brought you some comfort, then I am glad. A year on and the hole is certainly softer and gentler around the edges and, yes, bursting with all the joy that sharing life for almost 18 years with beautiful Milla, brought. Sending you both healing hugs as you navigate this journey yourselves.🧡

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A beautiful and deeply moving tribute, Alice. So heartfelt. Sending lots of love and hugs xxx

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Thank you so much, dear Carol. I felt I poured the love out onto the page, directly from my heart. I'm so glad you felt it. 💙🙏🏻❄️

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Oh Alice. What a beautiful, beautiful tribute--to Milla, and to grief itself. Thank you.

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Dear Meg, thank you for your kind comment. I'm glad these words resonated. Sending you so much love.💙🙏🏻❄️

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I wept as I read which is always a good sign - my heart is touched.

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Thank you, Prue, for letting me know how my words touched you. I know you understand, as I see the bond between you and your Terrier. So nice to see you name pop up in my inbox.💙🙏🏻❄️

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Alice, this is a beautiful example of how we should all love. With total commitment and without any questions asked. You all honoured her with a beautiful death and your dedicated to her care brought me to tears. Your writing expressed so much, and I'm glad I got to learn a little more about her life. Love and Hugs xxx

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Aw, thank you so much, Heidi. She was so incredibly special to us — life without her feels so empty. But sharing her (our) story, definitely helps. Thank you for reading along and, again, thank you for the poem. I can't tell you how much your finely-crafted, heartfelt words, mean to us. Much love and many hugs right back to you xxx

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